The overview below demonstrates everything we do here at Parson Street Primary. It shows how our vision and values drive all of our teaching and learning / curriculum work, and some of the key strategies which underpin everything.
You can download this overview here: Parson Street Curriculum Offer
As a school, we understand the vital yet interdependent roles that knowledge and skills have in order to achieve academic success. Children require substantive knowledge in order to practise and develop skills whilst also requiring disciplinary skills in order to acquire the knowledge. This is something that has been meticulously considered and explored when designing our curriculum. Across all subject areas, children at Parson Street are given the opportunity to both ‘learn’ and ‘practise’. This is illustrated in the above diagram. Children may read, talk or write in order to acquire new knowledge. This could be in the form of debates, note taking or reading new information. Children are then given opportunities to embed this new knowledge by practising a skill. For example, children may learn that there are seven continents as part of their Geography learning. They may learn this knowledge by using the skill of looking at/studying maps. Through this process, children are ‘being Geographers’ which builds fluency within the subject.