Laying The Pathway
To Opportunity

Key Policies and Procedures

Acceptable Use Policy

Accessibility Policy

Admissions Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

You can read a simple one page guide to our policy here:

anti bullying one page parents

The children created their own one page summary of anti-bullying during a focus week in Nov 24: 

anti bullying child one page

Attendance Policy 2024

Good school attendance gives your child the opportunity of success and helps develop skills for life. Your child should attend school every day unless there is an unavoidable cause such as illness. We seek to ensure that all our pupils receive a full-time education which maximises the opportunity for each pupil to realise their true potential. We strive to provide a welcoming, caring environment, whereby each member of the school community feels valued, safe and secure.

Parents and carers must ensure that their child attends school regularly, punctually, properly equipped and ready to learn. If your child is unable to attend school for any reason, or is likely to be late, parents and carers should notify the school by 9.30am on the first day – by telephone (0117 903 0226) or by email

We will contact parents and carers if a child is not present at morning or afternoon registration to ensure that the child is safe. Parents and carers are responsible for responding to calls and for ensuring school has up to date contact details. A pupil’s absence from school will be considered unauthorised until a satisfactory explanation is received.

It is hoped that through working in partnership, all attendance issues can be resolved. Parents and carers will be informed if there are any concerns regarding attendance or if attendance falls below 90%.

Behaviour policy

We are committed to the education of the whole child by encouraging our children to develop the personal and social skills required for life.
We teach children to be ready for their learning, be respectful of themselves, others and their environment, and to be safe at all times. Positive, caring and consistent relationships between children, staff and parents/carers underpin our behaviour policy.
We maintain high standards of behaviour to enable all children to do their best, both in the classroom and during play. We have developed a sequence of actions for all school staff to follow in any case of inappropriate behaviour. We hope this will ensure consistency of approach.

You can read a simple one page guide of our policy here:

behaviour policy parents one page

Charging and Remissions Policy

TiLA Child on Child Abuse Policy

Clothing & Uniform Policy

Our policy aim is to ensure that a concern or complaint is managed sympathetically, efficiently and at the appropriate level, and resolved as soon as possible. We will try to resolve every concern or complaint in a positive way with the aim of putting right a matter which may have gone wrong and, where necessary, reviewing our systems and procedures in light of the circumstances.

Concerns or Complaints can be raised informally by raising of a concern or difficulty by speaking or writing to a member of staff or as a formal complaint in writing to the Headteacher.

Who can complain?

Anybody who wants to complain about something to do with the school (not including suspensions or admissions).

How to make a complaint:

Complaints can be made in person or in writing.

You can ask the school office or Citizens Advice to help you fill out a complaint form.

You must make the complaint within three months of the incident.

Informal Complaints

Informal complaints can be raised with the teacher or headteacher.

They will investigate and provide an informal written response within 10 days.

Formal Complaints

If the issue is not sorted out, a formal complaint can be made to the headteacher. (If it involves the headteacher, it should go to the CEO of Trust in Learning Academies). The headteacher or CEO will confirm they have got the complaint within three school days.

The headteacher or CEO will investigate and provide a written response within 15 school days. If they are unable to, they will provide an update as to why.

The response will include how they investigated, a full explanation of the decision made and the reason for it, and any actions the school will take to resolve the complaint.

Panel Hearing

If you are still dissatisfied, you can escalate the complaint to a panel hearing. The panel will be three people who were not directly involved. One of these will be independent of the school. You will be offered three dates for this. You can bring a relative or friend along for support. The meeting will be held in private and recordings will not generally be permitted.

The panel will decide on appropriate action to resolve the complaint.

This is an easy-read version. Please see the Complaints Policy for further information and detail.  

Complaints Policy (September 2024)

Data Protection/GDPR

Equality Duty

Everything we do is underpinned by the Equality Act 2010.

It is our duty and we shall endeavour to:

  • eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act
  • Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;
  • Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

TiLA Health and Safety Policy

In Year Admissions Form

Intimate Care Policy

Prevent Policy


Modern Slavery Act Policy

CP and Safeguarding Policy Dec 2024

We take our responsibility to keeping children safe very seriously and have a range of controls in place to ensure this is achieved. Our work with support agencies is lead by the Senior Leadership team, who over see all aspects of child protection. Our robust recruitment and selection process is reviewed regularly and all employees are subject to Enhanced Disclosure and Barring checks which are reviewed on a regular basis.

SEND Local Offer 

TILA SEND and Inclusion Policy

Suspensions Policy 23-24

Whistleblowing Safeguarding and child Protection Policy (362 downloads ) Safeguarding and child Protection Policy