Our Intent
‘Get it right for the children with SEND and you get it right for everyone’
Parson Street Primary School is committed to the creation of an empowered learning community where all are valued and lives flourish. Our staff strive to create an inclusive environment which teaches diversity, equality, and respect. As a school, we respect the equal opportunities of all people and do not accept prejudice in any form. This is embodied in our vision statement, “Empowering all to create opportunities for life-long learners in our communities”
To support this vision, the values that are integral to our approach are those that focus on inclusive practice and removing barriers to learning. We seek to overcome social disadvantage and bring about social cohesion and equality. Inclusion is the principle of bringing people together, whatever their background or current levels of attainment, such that they can learn and participate together as far as is reasonably practicable. We celebrate the diversity of our schools and communities, and through this richness we learn together about what it means to live in a diverse world. We welcome and include all children, regardless of their ability, attainment or background.
Our vision for SEND at Parson Street:
Incorporating our SEND priorities and linking to EEF Guidance Recommendations, the following encapsulate our vision for SEND:
Create a positive and supportive environment for all pupils, without exception
Build an ongoing, holistic understanding of pupils and their needs
Ensure all pupils have access to high quality teaching
Complement high quality teaching with carefully selected small-group and one-to-one interventions
Work effectively with teaching assistants

If you would like to discuss the needs of your child or have questions or concerns, please get in touch with our SENDCos – Mrs A Madams or Mrs H Read, who can be contacted via the office or by emailing:
If you would like to discuss a concern with us, please do come and speak with us. It is important to us that we work together to resolve any issues. Further details can be found in the Complaints policy here: https://parsonstreet.com/key-information/key-policies-and-procedures/
Information about SEND and the support available from the Local Authority, please visit:
This page includes information about Bristol Local Authority’s Written Statement of Action following their Ofsted inspection in 2019:
Useful Contacts
- To contact a member of the Bristol Autism Team please see details here.
- Association of Young People with ME – a chance for young people confined to home by ME to have online friends and discussions and to find out about their condition. http://www.ayme.org.uk/
- Autism Oxford – raising awareness of autism with frequent conferences and talks accessible online. http://www.autismoxford.org.uk/
- Bristol Parents/Carers http://www.bristolparentcarers.org.uk/ A local support group whom meet regularly.
- British Dyslexia Association http://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/ a useful website with information about dyslexia, assessment and identification, exam concessions etc.
- Health Talk Online http://www.healthtalk.org/ a useful website which can give you information about particular issues facing parents of children and young people with autism such as getting a diagnosis to dealing with puberty.
- Mastering Memory http://www.masteringmemory.co.uk/ Boosting working memory programs for children 2-11 or 11-adult
- National Network for Parents and Carers http://www.nnpcf.org.uk/ This forum is funded by the government and provides support and an opportunity to link with other parents or carers.
- Sense https://www.sense.org.uk/ An association that supports the deaf/blind.
- Young Minds http://www.youngminds.org.uk/ a national charity committed to improving the mental health of all children, advice about depression, eating disorders, and other mental health issues affecting children, see website for details.
- Preparing for Adulthood http://preparingforadulthood.org.uk/
Other services available in Bristol –
- Bristol Local Offer https://www.bristol.gov.uk/council-and-mayor/policies-plans-and-strategies/social-care-and-health/the-bristol-send-local-offer