We encourage all pupils to wear the school uniform.
Our school uniform for Reception through to Year 6 is navy sweatshirts/cardigans worn with black/grey trousers/skirts and pale blue polo shirts. During the summer black/grey shorts and blue gingham dresses can be worn.
Please make sure that all uniform is labelled with your child’s name. Write your child’s name on their PE kit and book bag. A book bag is useful as it is important that children can easily carry their books, home learning and any letters to and from school. All long hair must be tied back with a sensible band. Jewellery is not allowed other than small stud earrings.
If you would like some second hand uniform with no charge, please speak with Karen Cousins, our family support worker, who can organise this for you. Additionally, please speak with her if you would like some help purchasing uniform. Equally, if you have some to donate, please contact her. We will be very happy to receive donations!
Our branded uniform which you can now buy online from JP Sports:
Can I buy unbranded, plain uniform?
It is absolutely fine to buy plain, unbranded uniform. We recognise that there is an
additional cost to buying branded, and nobody will be penalised for not having
branded uniform. We also know how many T-shirts and jumpers children can get
through in a week, especially those from younger years!