Laying The Pathway
To Opportunity


At Parson Street, our Maths curriculum aims to inspire in children a love of mathematics, and the skills and fluency needed to solve a range of mathematical problems. We aim to provide children with the ability to apply Maths to their real lives and to confidently use all 4 operations.  

Number recall begins right from the Early Years where children learn number recognition, subitising, and number facts.  Through quality first teaching, children develop their fluency of number facts, including times tables, and rehearse these in Times Table Rock Stars competitions. 

Talk and questioning ensure that children have the vocabulary and can explain, justify and reason their problem solving. A range of representations, concrete resources and manipulatives allow children to experience maths in practically, and to develop a secure conceptual understanding.  We deepen understanding by providing a rich range of contexts and problems, which we call ‘twist it’ and ‘explore it.’ 

Download our maths calculation policies here: